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Hi there, I have another blog called "Enlighten Yourself NOW" (link below), which is a guide to improving every aspect of your life in the NOW. Have a read and ENJOY!

Saturday, February 21, 2015

On Creativity, Saturday 21st February 2015

"Your profession is not what brings back the paycheck. Your profession is what you were put on Earth to do with such passion and such intensity that it becomes spiritual in calling"
-Vincent Van Gogh

I believe that Creativity is our direct connection to the Supreme Being. The Universe, God or the Supreme being is a creative force. It is in a constant state of creation. We are merely one of the many billions and trillions of countless creations of the Supreme, and yet WE ARE the creative force of the Supreme. Through us, the creativity of the Supreme is working to create through our human form. And it is not only through humans that the Supreme creates. If you take a look at Nature very closely, every animal, plant and even environment is in a constant state of creation and change. The world is never the same today as it was yesterday. Change is permanent because of the constant state of Creativity of the Supreme!

I thought I would share this with you and hope you might find that link between your Creativity and the Supreme.

Friday, February 20, 2015

On Silence,Friday 20th February 2015

"The quieter you become, the more you can hear."

-Ram Dass

If I can say in my own words what Silence is, in the spiritual context; Silence is the key to opening the door of your Soul. It is in Silence, or quietening the mind, that we can start to see our true essence, which is the Supreme, God, Universal energy in human manifestation. 

Once the constant chatter in our minds are eliminated, and we start to see everything around us without any mental labels or judgments, we start to accept the Universe for what it truly is. It is in this state that we become aligned with the purpose of Universe, God, Supreme being or whatever you choose to call it. Life become effortless and joyful. This is true enlightenment.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

On Being Free, Thursday 19th February 2015

The freedom we are looking for is the freedom to be ourselves, to express ourselves.

-Don Miguel Ruiz

I believe that most of the suffering that we all endure in our lives comes from not being able to be 100% ourselves all of the time. When we go out in society, we are expected to act a certain way. We pretend to be something we are not to impress other people, and find it difficult to keep up to that facade after a while. Be true to yourself, to your passions and your essence. It is only then, that we are truly free.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

On Criticism, Wednesday 18th February 2015

"Whatever happens around you, don't take it personally. Nothing other people do is because of you. It is because of themselves."
-Don Miguel Ruiz

This quote is really close to my heart because it helped me heal and helped me overcome my weakest point: Dealing with criticism. I used to be incredibly sensitive to any form of criticism that was hurdled my way. This was partly due to the fact that as a child, I suffered tremendous amount of bullying, verbal abuse and criticism from family and friends. Whether it was from my parents, siblings, teachers, extended family or people from my then social circle, there would always be some source of criticism aimed at me. I know that anyone who is reading this can relate to me on this point.

I became deeply insecure and even more ultra sensitive to any form of criticism as I grew into an adult and became independent. I would suffer in silence or sometimes cry on my own when the criticism was harsh (from my point of view). Then when I began my spiritual journey, I identified this sensitivity in me towards any form of criticism and I started to search for answers. This is when I stumbled upon the lovely Don Miguel Ruiz and his book "The Four Agreements".

In his book, Ruiz explains that, "Don’t take anything personally. Nothing others say or do is about you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering." This was a huge light bulb moment for me. I realized that throughout my whole life, the people closest to me like my family, who had said or acted in a way to hurt me, actually did it out of their own mindset and that it had nothing to do with me. Their actions had nothing to do with me! It was an expression of their hurt, their baggage, their ego, their suffering. At this point of realization, it was as if I had immediately become lighter, as if I had let go of all the weight of hurt and resentment that I had carried. All this while, I thought they did it because of me! I thought that something was wrong with me and that's why people were criticizing me.

The next big realization that I had was that whenever I criticized someone around me, I was doing the same. I was simply projecting my hurt, my ego, my excess baggage onto someone else. From that moment, I started to observe every form of criticism that came my way. In fact, I was waiting for someone to criticize me! And when it happened, I would analyze the criticism and would always find that it was truly about the other person. It was about their perception, their opinion, their view point, their life experience projected onto the next person. I also stopped criticizing others using hurtful intentions. These days the only form of criticism I give is constructive. In fact, I would give suggestions rather than criticism. I would also look for constructive points in other people's criticism of me. 

You can become immune to criticism. How do I know? Because I did it. And if I can do it, so can you. It is all about perception. Like the last quote that I had discussed, "If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."I hope you find this helpful. If you do, share it! Help another soul in its journey of realizing itself.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

On Perception, Tuesday 17th February 2015

"If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."
- Wayne Dyer

I chose this quote for today because it rings so true for me. As I progressed on my spiritual journey and became less judgmental of people and situations, the people and situations simply changed...interestingly for the better. This became one of my biggest lessons in spirituality. Changing my old perception was key to move forward in my spiritual journey. It was something that I had to experience and observe personally, before it slowly became part of my "new" perception of life. This is where I learned that for me, the change comes step by step and that every moment  and experience is an opportunity to look at the person or situation with a new perception. Every moment became an opportunity of learning and "trying out" my new perception.

One of those moments of clarity and change of perception came when I was watching Oprah's interview with Eckhart Tolle, where one of his quotes from his book "The New Earth" came into discussion. The quote was, "Life is the dancer, you are the dance". This was a huge light bulb moment for me. My interpretation of it is that when you stop thinking and interpreting the moment, the force of life will dance through you and provide the solution that is necessary in that moment. Why use your thinking mind when you can tap into the intelligence of the universe for a solution? Whatever that is happening in the moment is the play of the universe. So why not tap back into the universal intelligence for a response? My view is that the best way to get to this point is to become still and very present and aware in that moment. And if an action is required, it will arise without comprehension.

The interesting thing is that this has happened to me now in countless situations!  One example? When my daughter is throwing a tantrum. In former times I would start to get upset, annoyed and irritated with her, sometimes even dragging her away with me when she is resisting to come with me. But nowadays and try to become still, even pretending as if I invited this moment into my life and look at what I can do  in the moment. It is amazing because I view her tantrum as the play of the universe...the universe in action. Why should I resist or resent the universe in its flow? I tell myself then, "Just go with the flow and do what is necessary." And in that situation with my daughter throwing a tantrum, it was to calm her down.

Monday, February 16, 2015

On Love - Monday February 16th, 2015

"Love is a state of Being. Your love is not outside; it is deep within you.
You can never lose it, and it cannot leave you."

- Eckhart Tolle

This quote is a beautiful one. My interpretation of it is that in truth, there is no need to look for love outside of yourself. It exists as the very essence of who you are, which is energy, or god, or soul, or however you choose to call it. Once we embrace this fact, there is no need for seeking of love and acceptance from an outer source whether it is your partner, parents, children, siblings, friends, colleagues, neighbors or anyone else. Their love for you is great and fantastic, but you are not dependent on it for your existence. The life force within you is love in action. Your life force is the only fuel of love that you will ever need.